San Diego, CA - July 8, 2002

ZyGoDigital LLC, now doing business as ZyGoDigital, released ZyGoVideo Pro 2.0 today.
ZyGoDigital, providers of ZyGoVideo™ began operations as ZyGoDigital to reflect the increase in their product line from their core video compression product to a variety of digital media products and services. The company continues to add high quality, cost effective products for the masses by combining ZyGoVideo with existing and well proven products. ZyGoVideo, a QuickTime 5 Downloadable Component, is offered at a fraction of the cost of other QuickTime video compressors and with a simple, compression side (fixed cost for all users) license model.
ZyGoVideo Pro 2.0 features improved encode/decode speeds over previous versions, and maintains a simple user interface so that great looking video can be created easily. ZyGoVideo Pro 2.0 is currently being used to stream multiple video streams from the South Pacific for the Anti-Ballistic Missile Test Program.
ZyGoVideo Pro allows the user to create lower data rate video so that even multiple videos don't clog the data channel, especially at larger viewing sizes, such as 320 by 240 and 640 by 480 pixels. ZyGoVideo Pro 2.0 compresses these larger video streams in real time on the latest G4 dual processors. Of course, ZyGoVideo Pro 2.0 is compatible with all QuickTime operating system environments; OS/X, Mac OS and Windows, and works well with other Apple video applications, including the upcoming QuickTime 6 Broadcaster. ZyGoDigital provides their own streaming solution for Mac OS 9 and QuickTime 5 to select consulting customers.
ZyGoVideo Pro uses a unique wavelet technology to produce excellent quality still images at half the size of comparable Photo JPEG compressions. This is especially important for upcoming products such as ID SpotChecker, which runs on a Palm OS device. A complete database of 4000 names, affiliations, security areas, and photos can be stored on a common 8M device; this number goes to over 10,000 when using one of the more recent 16M devices.
ID SpotChecker was built on True Image's Tracker and Seeker programs, which have been in use for nearly two years in the country's largest school system, Los Angeles Unified, to help school administrators keep track of students' whereabouts in normal and emergency situations.
ZyGoDigital offers ZyGoVideo Pro for Windows, Mac OS and OS/X for the low price of $99. ZyGoVideo Pro 1.2 for Windows, Mac OS and OS/X continues to be bundled with Totally Hip's Hip Flics video compression application at the low price of $129. Existing customers, or new Hip Flics bundle customers can upgrade to ZyGoVideo Pro 2.0 for $19; please contact us at or wait for an email with details on how to get to the upgrade site.
ZyGoDigital also provides a wide range of digital media consulting services. Our past and current customers include; Microsoft, Sharp Electronics, Convera, Vianet Technologies, and Layer8 Technologies. ZyGoDigital has a strategic alliance with Tubatomic to provide state-of-the-art consulting services for User Interface and web designs. Contact ZyGoDigital at to arrange for your consulting needs.
Nstant ID Maker and ID SpotChecker software will be sold on the ZyGoDigital web site. Visit them at their web site, and sign up for the beta program at Please provide information on your enterprise's size and expected use of the product set.
Rod Sheffield
ZyGoDigital LLC
760 443 0103
ZyGoVideo is a trademark of ZyGoDigital LLC. All rights reserved. Apple,
Mac OS, Macintosh, QuickTime, and QuickTime VR are trademarks of Apple
Computer, Inc. and are registered in the USA and other countries. Windows is either registered or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.