
ZyGoVideo Security Products Begin Bio-Tech Construction Beta
San Diego, CA - May 9, 2002

Media Metastasis announced today that David Begent & Company
will begin beta testing a new set of security products based on the ZyGoVideo™ codec on upcoming bio-tech construction projects. Nstant ID Maker™ will be used to create photo IDs of the construction site personnel and to group personnel working with sensitive bio-tech materials. ID SpotChecker™, a companion tool running on Palm™ devices, will allow construction site security to verify the photo ID's and check that the person wearing the ID is in the appropriate work area. The information gathered by ID SpotChecker, will be used to provide required government reports at the end of the construction project.
Rod Sheffield, President and CEO of Media Metastasis said: "We are excited about the creation and use of more applications using ZyGoVideo compression, especially for handheld devices. True Image began to see tremendous interest in their school products once they could hold a student database of 4000 with photos (roughly twice the number as compared to a Photo JPEG compression) on a standard 8M byte Handspring Visor. We expect to see the same level of interest in the commercial world by using ZyGoVideo compression to hold thousands of photos for site security checks. In addition, the use of user-defined groups to hold personnel allows a simple form of data entry to document traffic within security zones. This highly efficient and simple method should provide for quick and reliable means to create reports at the end of construction projects or for consolidated security briefings. Using ZyGoVideo for photo compression also allows for ID validation using existing technology and techniques without adding in expensive biometric measurements."
Nstant ID Maker creates photo IDs using low cost Firewire cameras and computer equipment. A laminator is used to provide IDs lasting a year in a construction or school environment. ID SpotChecker is based on the True Image Tracker and Seeker products in use in nearly 30 Los Angeles area and Florida, middle and high schools. Their system has proven to be easy to use (often operated by student volunteers), reliable, and very fast (an entire school of 2000 can receive their IDs in just one day).
ZyGoVideo, a QuickTime component, is being used to compress the photos. ZyGoVideo uses a unique wavelet technology to produce excellent quality still images at half the size of comparable Photo JPEG compressions. This is especially important for ID SpotChecker, which runs on a Palm OS device with only 8M bytes of internal storage. A complete database of 4000 names, security areas, and photos can be stored on such a device. ID SpotChecker represents a subset of the capabilities of True Image's Tracker and Seeker programs, which have been in use for over two years helping school administrators keep track of students' whereabouts in normal and emergency situations.
Nstant ID Maker and ID SpotChecker software will be sold on the ZyGoVideo web site. Visit them at their web site www.zygovideo.com, and sign up for the beta program at sales@zygovideo.com. Please provide information on your enterprise's size and expected use of the product set.
Tracker and Seeker product descriptions and sales information is available at http://www.schoolid.com.
David Begent and Company is responsible for the construction of over 2 million square feet of laboratories; details can be found at: www.begent.com.
Rod Sheffield
ZyGoDigital LLC
760 443 0103
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