The Company and Staff

About ZyGoDigital

ZyGoDigital's consulting services include medical devices, wireless personal protection devices/software, and video streaming systems. ZyGoDigital's provides better and more cost effective solutions for digital media products; especially for medical and mobile systems.
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ZyGoDigital LLC, provides multimedia consulting solutions and custom products resulting from experience with the ZyGoCasting solution. Consulting clients include:
  • Apple Computer Inc.
  • Convera
  • DRS Communications
  • Global Mobility
  • Good School Tools
  • Hannibal Studios
  • Intubrite
  • Kinoma
  • Layer8 Inc.
  • Lockheed Martin
  • Microsoft
  • Northrop Grumman
  • Sharp Electronics
  • TigerLight
  • Wavestream
  • ViaSat
ZyGoCaster is an OSX or Windows streaming media product which contains ZyGoVideo and ZyGoAudio. ZyGoVideo is a mature and proven QuickTime video compressor/decompressor (codec). The ZyGoVideo codec is especially adept at streaming video and compressing video with detailed content, such as text in movie trailers. ZyGoVideo works well for low bandwidth applications, especially wireless and Internet connections. Recent improvements in ZyGoVideo Pro 4.5 (available to consulting clients) allow for full screen, full frame rate video streaming using modern computers. ZyGoVideo Pro 4.5 also has a mode for streaming video to handheld and smart phones using ARM processors.

About the Founder of ZyGoDigital

James R. Sheffield

James R. Sheffield serves as the President/CEO for ZyGoDigital. Mr. Sheffield provided strong leadership as Vice President and Director of Engineering for several companies involved in the development of video codec and digital video management products. Prior to ZyGoDigital, he was Director of Engineering for Convera's Screening Room video asset management product. He previously lead teams who successfully ported Intel's PLV, Indeo, and ON2's True Motion video codecs for commercial use.

Mr. Sheffield founded ZyGoDigital with the vision that a full suite of media broadcasting, playback and asset management products would be needed to power the wave of modern multimedia use. ZyGoCaster, ZyGoMediaShow, and ZyGoOASIS now fulfill that vision. Mr. Sheffield holds a Bachelors and Masters of Science degree in Systems Engineering from Wright State University.

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